Personal Injury Protection Coverage, also known as PIP Coverage, is just one piece of the auto insurance puzzle. This component covers medical expenses and lost wages after an accident regardless of who is responsible. While PIP Coverage can be considered a supplemental part of your policy, some states require drivers to obtain this as part of their overall car insurance policy.

Specifically, in Pennsylvania, the statutory minimum is $5,000, but quite frankly, if you can afford to, you should obtain more coverage just for additional security since the minimum can be quickly consumed by medical expenses.

Likewise, in New Jersey, the minimum is $250,000 which is definitely adequate coverage. Also, there are various types of PIP coverage in New Jersey. As a matter of fact, you can elect your healthcare insurance as the primary but the caveat is if the medical coverage pays for these expenses. That particular company will want your money returned. Furthermore, if there’s a limited amount in your PIP policy, and the healthcare insurance company asks repayment of benefits, that’s a dangerous, financial situation to be in. Thus, you should review your coverage with your lawyer to make sure you’re adequately protected. Contact us today to review.