In an example of ‘fighting the good fight’ Marc Rosenberg has obtained a ‘One Half Million ($500,000.00) Dollar’ verdict on a slip and fall case which most (NON PAAJ) attorneys would not have even touched. The case involved a slip and fall at Whole Foods Market in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for a 79 year-old woman who tripped over the cement barrier (wheel stop) in a parking garage. In a case where nothing was offered until an ADR mediation (at which time only $80K was offered and rejected)—this is a case in which the rightful verdict was reached to compensate this elderly individual for their sustained injuries.

Ronald Cohen, an Engineer of Consulting Engineers, was essential regarding properly marking trip hazards, color gradient, visual cues, and alternative solutions etc. Damages were not an issue as this client sustained a patella vex requiring surgery and a severely torn non-dominant rotator cuff, requiring repair and then a reverse shoulder replacement surgery.