What is tort?

What is tort?

In legal terms, a tort is when somebody wrongs another person, and the other person seeks monetary compensation. Although money can’t solve all problems, it is ultimately the primary means of gaining some degree of recompense for an injury or pain and...
Limited Tort vs. Full Tort

Limited Tort vs. Full Tort

Life is full of challenging choices, especially in regard to money. So when investing in auto insurance, you can save money on your monthly premium or spend a bit more to gain more (security, that is) in the long term. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey, drivers are...
Insurance Policies: A Different Language

Insurance Policies: A Different Language

Insurance policies might as well be written in a different language. As you peruse the information, you might encounter jargon that’s nearly impossible understand. That’s where we can help. The practice of utilizing technical language in these policies is intentional....
Traffic Ticket Defense Cases

Traffic Ticket Defense Cases

I’m a trial Attorney, and I handle a great deal of different kinds of cases. In terms of pursuing traffic ticket defense cases, I rarely take those on because that is more of a specialty and probably would be better handled by someone who works on such cases on a...